Amanda Hobley is devoted to Women’s Health and Wellbeing.
Uniquely qualified, Amanda is not only a Naturopath with 20 years experience, but also a certified Reiki ,Bodytalk and Emotional Resolution Practitioner.
Amanda has a special interest in Women's Health and Wellbeing. Assisting busy women including, business owners, working professionals, mothers, menopausal women and those going through transitional periods in their lives.
Many women have come to her stressed and unable to cope with their daily working lives. She has gently helped them take one day at a time, creating a safe healing space for her clients to unwind and spend much-needed time focusing on their wellbeing. This approach empowers them to find balance and grow in the areas of life where they find meaning and purpose.
She provides her clients with proactive stress-relieving techniques and natural health solutions such as herbal tonics, nutritional advice and supplements (where appropriate), Reiki, Bodytalk, emotional resolution, and awareness strategies. Her recommendations and guidance are authentically tailored to individual client needs.
Inspired by her own life and clinical experiences, Amanda has written an e- book called, “Women’s Secret Handbook to Stress Relief” and offers online programs and courses to share practical and effective tools that can be used to help calm the body and mind, process emotions and connect with their inner clarity and energy.
Amanda also guides Retreats and self-care workshops for women looking to gain a deeper experience and reconnect to their inner essence. Providing the opportunity for women to remove themselves from everyday responsibilities; allowing them the space and time to reconnect, restore relax and rejuvenate completely.
Amanda practices in Perth, WA
- Advanced Diploma Naturopathy
- Bodytalk practitioner
- Reiki level 2
- Certified Emotional Resolution Practitioner
- Self Emotional Resolution Facilitator