Yesterday (Thursday 26 October), the NHAA held its annual general meeting (AGM).
The AGM is always a great opportunity for us to review the previous year, set new goals and priorities and confirm our organisational board for the coming year.
As a result of the nomination and selection process during the AGM, we’re now welcoming Natalie Cook, Sophia Gerontakos, and Dr Janet Schloss to the Board. It’s exciting to have them, and their fresh ideas and initiatives, involved. It’s exciting also to have Sarah Christensen and Tracelee Shew staying on to begin new tenures, with wisdom and experience to share.
At the same time, we’re saying goodbye to Natalie Symkowiak, Tristan Carter and Kathleen Murphy, all of whom made incredible contributions throughout their tenures.
Finally, several constitutional changes were put in place at the AGM. NHAA Members, you can view these changes at the link below.