Participate in the APREECOM Project

The National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine is conducting a world-first study examining the clinical, academic and regulatory environments of various complementary medicine (CM) professions in order to understand their readiness for evidence-based practice. The study is titled ‘The Appraisal of the evidence implementation environment for complementary medicine [APREECOM] Project’.

While evidence-based practice (EBP) has been shown to reduce health care costs, improve health outcomes and increase patient satisfaction, the uptake of EBP across the complementary medicine (CM) professions has been slow and suboptimal. This study will determine for the first time, whether the clinical, academic and regulatory environments of CM professions support EBP.

If you are a student, academic, practitioner, manager or administrator in the field of complementary medicine, you may be eligible to participate in this study. By completing an 8-10 minute survey, you will help inform the prioritisation, design and application of relevant initiatives to aid the delivery of best practice care in CM. As a token of appreciation for participation, you will be invited to enter a draw to win 1 of 2 $50 gift cards on completion of the study.

For more information view the Project Flyer or Participant Sheet. To take part in this study,  email