NHAA Research Capacity Building Grants

An exciting new initiative offered in commitment to support evidence-building research that elevates the naturopathic and Western herbal medicine professions.

The NHAA Research Capacity Building (RCB) grants are a new incentive for 2024, offered in our commitment to supporting evidence-building research that elevates the naturopathic and herbal medicine professions and meets the goals of the Australian Preventative Health Strategy 2021-2030.

We believe that research building research capacity with our disciplines is fundamental to developing practice, education and the future of amply qualified naturopaths and herbalists as primary health care workers in Australia. With several Australian naturopathic researchers already ranking in the Stanford University Top 2% of scientists worldwide, Australia is well positioned as a research leader. We envision the RCB grants creating even more opportunities for academic leadership.

What is on offer?

The NHAA is proud to be offering two grants for the 2024-2025 financial year.

Each grant awarded will be up to the amount of $5,000 to cover costs directly incurred in developing an eligible research project. Applications for round 1 are now open. Please see below for key dates regarding grant applications.

Why are we offering these Grants?

The purpose of the NHAA RCB grants is to provide a mechanism for qualified researchers to partner with our practitioner members to develop research projects that specifically investigate the role of naturopathic medicine in meeting the objectives of the Australian Preventative Health Strategy 2021-2030.

In focussing on the contribution of naturopathy and herbal medicine to primary and secondary disease prevention in accordance with the strategy, RCB grants serve to incentivise researchers and practitioners to develop projects pertaining to:

  • reducing tobacco use and nicotine addiction
  • improving access to and healthy consumption of a healthy diet
  • increasing physical activity
  • increasing cancer screening and prevention
  • reducing alcohol and other drug harm
  • promoting and protecting mental health

Find out More Information

We have prepared an information guide to provide further clarity about the NHAA RCB Grants for 2024-2025 including a live, online information session to be held on Monday 2 September at 6:00pm aest to share more information and allow interested applicants to ask questions.

  • A comprehensive overview of the RCB grants
  • Eligibility and restrictions
  • Application and assessment processes
  • Conditions of the award

2024-2025: Key Dates – Round 1

Applications OpenFriday, 23rd August 2024 – 3:00pm
Information Session / Q&AMonday, 2nd September 2024 – 6:00pm
Applications CloseFriday, 11th October 2024 – 5:00pm
Peer ReviewMonday 21st – Friday 25th October 2024
Outcomes AnnouncedWeek of 11th November 2024
Funding to commenceMonday 2nd December 2024
Round 2 applications will open early 2025. Members will be notified ahead of application dates.

Please note that EasyChair is the platform we are using for grant submissions. You will be required to create an EasyChair account in order to submit your grant application.