How the Board Works
The entire Board meets at least three or four times a year. However most of the work of the Board is accomplished between these meetings via email, telephone and online meetings. This allows the Board members, who are spread throughout Australia, to work together effectively. The time commitment varies according to each Board position and the types and number of projects on the agenda.
Committees are commonly formed to distribute work related to certain short or long term projects
Standing for Election
If you are a Full member of the NHAA, would like to be involved in the direction of herbal medicine in Australia, and believe that you have the skills and dedication to contribute to the Board of Directors, you could stand for nomination for a Board position.
All Full members (from anywhere in Australia) are eligible for nomination to a Board position. Elections occur at the Annual General Meeting of the NHAA, and all Full Members have voting rights. Board positions are voluntary with each elected Board Member serving a two year term. Individuals wishing to serve longer are required to stand for re-election at the end of each two year term.
The requirements for an NHAA Board Member are as follows:
- Full Membership of the NHAA.
- Commitment and dedication to herbal medicine, naturopathy and the membership of the NHAA.
- A three year commitment.
- Attendance at the face to face Board meetings (usually in Sydney).
- Prompt and timely responses to email communication and preparation for Board meetings by preparing and uploading reports 7 days before the meeting and reading all Board reports prior to the meeting.
- Computer and internet literacy.
In the event of situations such as ill health, a Board Member may choose to stand down before the end of their two year term. In this case the Board may choose to appoint a casual replacement to hold the position until the following AGM.
If you are interested in standing for the Board of Directors, please email the Board Members Advisory Committee.
Positions on the Board
The following is a brief description of the Board of Directors of the NHAA.
The Board comprises 8 elected Directors on equal rotating terms of 2 years, and up to 2 appointed Directors.
Following the Annual General Meeting, the 8 elected Directors will elect the President, Vice President and Treasurer with each operating on equal rotating terms of 2 years, the President and Vice President being elected in alternate years.
President: Responsible for the strategic direction of the NHAA and management of the Association’s political and media activities.
Vice President: Directly assists the President and manages and guides various high level projects for the Association.
Treasurer: Responsible for overseeing all financial aspects of the Association.
Directors: Various areas of involvement including ethics, media and public relations, regulation, education, government submissions, information technology, event management and more.