SEASONAL EATING: For Vitality and Health

I have written this over the 30 years as hand-outs to Patients.

My reason for publishing was that I was saying the same things over and over to help my Patients with general guidelines around eating.

Do you run out of energy before the end of the day?
Would you like to lift your levels of personal well-being and vitality?
Do you wish you could be happier and enjoy every day of your life?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions, ‘Seasonal Eating’ is for you! One of Australia’s most experienced Western Medical Herbalists, Debra Hearn provides a simple and relatively easy way for you to gain more energy and vitality and lift your levels of personal well-being.
In ‘Seasonal Eating: Eating for Vitality and Health,’ you will discover what and how to eat in harmony with the four seasons which is how nature intended for us. This book is not about a particular diet or exercise regime; rather, it is about practical guidelines for healthy eating, cleansing and tonifying the body systems, choosing the right food combinations and balancing your digestive times. Also included are a wide range of food choices and meal plans.