The NHAA wishes to inform members that the TGA has released a Public Consultation for comment on delegate-initiated proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard for wild cherry bark (Prunus serotina), closing Wednesday 17 May 2023. This includes the proposal for revised low levels of amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid (HCN) to be excluded from scheduling when present in preparations of wild cherry bark. To view the proposal on pp18-22 please refer to the public notice.
On 1 February 2022 the TGA implemented their Notice of Final Decision in relation to amygdalin remaining in Schedule 10 (with a limit of 0%) and HCN remaining in Schedule 4 (with a limit of 1 µg/kg) of the Poisons Standard. As a result, we were no longer able to supply wild cherry bark for therapeutic use, despite its long traditional use and no evidence of toxicity or adverse events with this herb.
The NHAA will be making a submission to support the reinstatement of wild cherry bark and encourage you as healthcare professionals to also support this consultation.